Workplace Wellness Incentives &Solutions

When it comes to engaging, motivating, and keeping your employees happy, employee incentives are a great method to implement at your company. Employee incentives offer powerful and affirming recognition.

And not only that, but they can also translate into a gesture of gratitude and appreciation for them.


Wellness Space

Promoting and facilitating wellness at work is paramount in improving employee retention, lower absenteeism and boosting productivity. Particularly mental health awareness has become a forefront figure in workplace culture and is a relevant concern in maintaining a healthy work environment for your employees. One of the best and easiest ways to address this concern is to set aside a quiet space for employees to retreat to as needed. When their stress levels at work have peaked, a calm space can go a long way in providing them an avenue to take a moment, decompress and rejuvenate. 

We will work with you and your team to help you create and maintain a dedicated wellness space with relaxation and productivity in mind. Regardless of budget, options are available, be it a garden, room or side space, offering a wide range of affordability and function. 


01268 520 785 /

HAPPY Hub, Eastgate Shopping Centre, Basildon, Essex, England.

Motivated Minds Trading as Wellbeing 4 Life CIC. Company No.: 9423090 © 2020  

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